robot typing AI generated

About Furison Tech

Alright, let's rewind a bit. The year's 2023, and bam! Furison Tech pops into existence. But, like all good underdog stories, we didn’t magically decide to start a company overnight. A few years before our "official" hello to the world, we were in our digital playground, tinkering away, writing software and web apps. Think of it like this: you know when you've got a bunch of random LEGO pieces, and you decide, "Why not throw them together and make something cool?" That was us, but with code.

So, what's the 411 on Furison? Well, we're that friend you call when you need a practical digital tool. Did you lose inspiration for producing your EDM track? We gotcha. Diving into the wild world of cryptocurrency trading? We're on it. Planning appointments at different locations is taking you way too much time and effort? Well, we might have something for that. And just so you know, our menu might expand - one day you might see something about virtual space-hopping or AI-driven cat memes. Who knows?

Now, don't get us wrong, we aren’t some digital wizards who conjure up apps out of thin air (though how cool would that be?). Sometimes we hit a wall, and instead of head-butting it, we occasionally build some open-source software to solve the issue that hasn't been solved before or isn't solved for free. Why? Because if we need it, probably someone, somewhere does too. And hey, why not spread the geeky love (sometimes, if it doesn't cross our own egotistical financial interests)?

All jokes aside, there are only 24 hours in a day. So, our main focus lies on developing/maintaining the projects that are listed on the services page, and at the moment, we are not taking in any clients for IT consultancy. If we ever do start a new project, you will see it listed on the same services page.

In a nutshell? Furison Tech is where we goof around, play with code, and end up creating stuff that might be kinda useful. So if you're into getting things done without the corporate bullsh*t, Furison Tech might be your best bet. We promise we're only a little nerdy. 😉🚀

Now that you have gotten to know us a little bit, lets dive in to our expertise/skillset, shall we?

Back-end Development & AI

When we’re dealing with medium/large algorithms or something that is best approachable with OOP, we lean on Java & Spring. For quick website setups or those that mostly rely on database logic, we prefer PHP & Laravel. If we use AI to solve a problem or produce a result, we like to use Python (obviously) and Django. Spring, Laravel and Django are popular frameworks to create web applications, although spring is actually a larger ecosystem. Sometimes we have to create our own AI model for our niche branches. Keras is our primary tool when the model is small or simple. Keras is a simple interface on top of tensorflow. We might use tensorflow directly if the model is more complex.

Persistence & Infrastructure

We believe that a strong foundation is key. MySQL/MariaDB is our primary database for most cases. Although it's an ancient tool, it stood the test of time and fits our needs. But if the data is not very relational or unorganized, mongoDB is our next best option, or even Redis in rare cases. Ofcourse, we prefer Redis mostly for caching (obviously) and sometimes as a queue backend. With some of our apps, the data that we store are files. We lean on Wasabi S3 Storage for that. As for ensuring our applications are both flexible and scale efficiently, Docker and Kubernetes are making sure everything runs smoothly. Many of our servers run on Digital Ocean, which allow us to spin up something fast expand without worry.

Front-end & Styling

Front-end isn't something we like to do very much, but there is no good app without it. We avoid frameworks like vue, react and angular most of the time, but that does not mean we don't know any javascript. In fact, we have a deep understanding of javascript because many of our apps use very specific niches of javascript such as the Web Audio API or the new Web GPU. Beside that we like to keep things simple, and not go overkill with frameworks or making SPA's when it is not needed at all. So, for most cases a CSS framework gets the deed done, our favourite being tailwind and good ol' bootstrap. When we want to go the extra mile on design, we might use some tools from Adobe such as Photoshop and Illustrator, or even After Effects.

Oh! By the way, most of the stuff above was written with chatGPT. Also, i constantly write in the WE form because it sounds cool, but actually right now the company is just me, Sean. Glad to be of service!

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